Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Plastic Surgery Not Just Make Beautiful

Plastic Surgery Not Just Make Beautiful
                         - Public interest to look more beautiful and has the physical appearance of a charming bigger. One way that is considered to be an instant to get it is through plastic surgery. Plastic surgery has two specializations, namely aesthetic surgery and reconstructive surgery. Aesthetic surgery is intended to improve the shape of certain body parts in actual patients of normal, while the reconstruction aims to restore the appearance of abnormalities caused by congenital defects, accidents or illness lain.Bedah reconstruction is expected to help patients who previously felt inferior due to disability has become more confidence because it looks better, said dr.Gentur Sudjatmiko, a plastic surgeon from the hospital Pondok Indah, in the event of media education Improve the Quality of Life by Aesthetic surgery and Reconstruction in Jakarta, Tuesday (31/7) .Some abnormalities that can be reconstructed, at least near normal, among other abnormalities in the skin, such as keloids, congenital abnormalities, benign tumors, facial bones were broken due to an accident, abnormalities in the limbs, and many lagi.Kemajuan medical technology also makes the patients who suffered burns or accidents can get a skin transplant, grafting skin tissue along with the soft tissue beneath, to the addition of the implant to the patient after breast removal due to kanker.Beberapa case bendah reconstruction measures are also made to improve the patient's disability as a result of indiscriminate action beauty. For instance injecting liquid silicone into the nose with the intention sharp nose. Though silicone causes inflammation that forms the nose into aneh.Untuk restore the shape of the nose close to normal, certainly not as easy to suck the silicon that has been injected. Needed surgery to remove a new network that is already stuck together silikon.Nilai estetikSementara the preferred aesthetic plastic surgery on the aesthetics or beauty. Some plastic surgery is often performed, among others, improve the shape of the nose (rhinoplasty), the shape of the eye and eyelids, liposuction, wrinkle removal, to improve the shape of the plastic payudara.Bedah different aesthetic beauty dermatologist for the procedure to go through surgery, said Dr. .Elida Sari Siburian, Sp.BP, from RS.Pondok Indah, the opportunity sama.Elida adds, in recent years an increasing number of patients undergoing aesthetic plastic surgery. The number has hundreds, though still small compared with other developed countries whose actions are already thousands, imbuhnya.Dia added, patients undergoing aesthetic plastic surgery mostly satisfied with the results. Attractive appearance automatic boost confidence. In patients put breast implants breast usually feels less bulky operating results, katanya.Sebelum decided to conduct aesthetic plastic surgery, Elida recalled the importance consult your doctor. Also make sure the doctor who will perform these actions is competent in their field. No less important, the desire to do plastic surgery it comes from yourself. So do not do plastic surgery because it was told to others, he said. http://www.mastadikara.org/2017/02/manfaat-green-coffee-pelangsing.html

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